The social media accounts you should be following for the best golf information!

Firstly some shortlisting accounts that I really love:
On course Vlogs and interviews with some of the worlds best in the industry
Produces some awesome product reviews and is the myth busters of the golf world!
Andrew presents high-quality information in a manner that is easy to understand!
Enormous library of golf swings from times gone by with some great analysis.
The team at Future Golf are creating a huge following in the Australian golfing community that highlights their members, tournament results and some cracking interviews and content through their Future Golf TV initiative.
Jack's TOP 5 golf accounts on social media
5. Fore Play Barstool Sports

@foreplaypod 563k Instagram followers
Presented by Barstool Sports the Fore Play guys produce some seriously funny content and with such a big following, this is their full-time job! A very successful podcast and Instagram/Facebook following they will mix course reviews, viral videos and interviews with the PGA Tour superstars. The boy's recent reviews of our Australian courses are particularly interesting!
4. Make The Turn
@mttgolf 30k Instagram followers

Jeff Ritter is one of the worlds best golf coaches who is based at the Pronghorn Academy in Oregon and also is the national director of Nike Golf Camps. Jeff offers the best quick tips I have seen via IGTV to help your game as well as one of the best smartphone APPS on the market that covers instruction, fitness, nutrition, mindset & engaging training programs. This is a complete program to help your game! I like the way Jeff explains something so technical but presents it in a way that is easy to grasp and understand.
Smartphone App:
3. James Ridyard
@jamesridyard 12k Instagram followers

James Ridyard is the short game guru! I discovered James in Orlando at a coaching forum and was super impressed with his knowledge and presentation. Coaching some of the worlds best players, the information and demonstrations from the likes of Francesco Molinari are very impressive. Following James on Instagram WILL make your short game better. Furthermore, his web-based platform 'Wedge Matrix' will give you all the info and drills you need to nail the wedge game.
Wedge Matrix Program:
2. Tour Striker
@tourstrikergolf 39k Instagram followers

Martin Chuck and the tour striker team produce the best training aids in the world and also run a series of very successful golf camps in Phoenix, Arizona.
Mainly using Instagram and Facebook, the videos feature a variety of their training aids in play as well as high quality, easy to follow instruction videos from his golf schools

Martin Chuck's relaxed nature and energy he brings to his videos that keep me engaged in his material. Being able to take something very complex but then make it easy to understand is one of the true skills of a golf coach and Martin certainly nails that!
Tour Striker Products:
1. Athletic Motion Golf -
@athleticmotiongolf 68k Youtube subscribers

Shaun & Mike are producing the best technique based golf information on the internet right now! Their Youtube videos that feed to their other platforms are helping golf coaches and students understand more about the game with factual based evidence.
With all the technology available to golf coaches, we are dispelling some old myths of the game and their combination of Trackman, Gears motion detection and impressive visuals we are learning more about

the golf swing displayed in a format that is easy to digest. Their comparisons to the moves tour players make vs amateurs are a must watch as well as the 'shadow overlays'. Check it out!
Youtube Channel:
Last but not least.....
Of course, I better give myself a plug! I keep my stories filled with live lessons as well as some handy tips and drills to help you with your game!

my Instagram will feature weekly Tour Tips, giving you weekly tip on the tour as well as some handy IGTV videos. My Facebook will feature some handy golf tips that are meant to be quick, simple and easy to follow!